
Showing posts from July, 2018

Benefits of Converting XML Files into PDF

XML files consist of a large amount of information in the textual format, which is important and any loss could lead to a great loss to the concerned person. A PDF file not only compresses the large sized files but it also maintains the quality of the converted document. Ranging from visual ailments such as images, videos to hyperlinks in the files are retained as it is in this format. There are also various tools in the market which is used to convert them into PDF.The Tool such as XSL-FO 2 PDF not only converts to PDF but provides the custom formatting of the document. It is specifically used to number the pages, change the style as well as the layout of the XML documents. Apart from this tool there are many other tools available. Some advantages of PDF converted formats of XML files are:           Print ready files : PDF files are easy to print. Whatever format it is in, it gets printed on that form. This saves the time of unwanted delay in printing pages again and a